method ReadableBase.prototype.forEach
Usage in Deno
```typescript import { ReadableBase } from "node:node__stream.d.ts"; ```
ReadableBase.prototype.forEach(fn: (data: any,options?: Pick<ArrayOptions, "signal">,) => void | Promise<void>,options?: ArrayOptions,): Promise<void>
This method allows iterating a stream. For each chunk in the stream the *fn* function will be called.
If the *fn* function returns a promise - that promise will be `await`ed.
This method is different from `for await...of` loops in that it can optionally process chunks concurrently.
In addition, a `forEach` iteration can only be stopped by having passed a `signal` option
and aborting the related AbortController while `for await...of` can be stopped with `break` or `return`.
In either case the stream will be destroyed.
This method is different from listening to the `'data'` event in that it uses the `readable` event
in the underlying machinary and can limit the number of concurrent *fn* calls.
fn: (data: any,options?: Pick<ArrayOptions, "signal">,) => void | Promise<void>
a function to call on each chunk of the stream. Async or not.
options: ArrayOptions
a promise for when the stream has finished.