method ClientHttp2Session.request
Usage in Deno
```typescript import { type ClientHttp2Session } from "node:node__http2.d.ts"; ```
ClientHttp2Session.request(headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders,options?: ClientSessionRequestOptions,): ClientHttp2Stream
For HTTP/2 Client `Http2Session` instances only, the `http2session.request()` creates and returns an `Http2Stream` instance that can be used to send an
HTTP/2 request to the connected server.
When a `ClientHttp2Session` is first created, the socket may not yet be
connected. if `clienthttp2session.request()` is called during this time, the
actual request will be deferred until the socket is ready to go.
If the `session` is closed before the actual request be executed, an `ERR_HTTP2_GOAWAY_SESSION` is thrown.
This method is only available if `http2session.type` is equal to `http2.constants.NGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENT`.
import http2 from 'node:http2';
const clientSession = http2.connect('https://localhost:1234');
const {
} = http2.constants;
const req = clientSession.request({ [HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]: '/' });
req.on('response', (headers) => {
req.on('data', (chunk) => { // .. });
req.on('end', () => { // .. });
When the `options.waitForTrailers` option is set, the `'wantTrailers'` event
is emitted immediately after queuing the last chunk of payload data to be sent.
The `http2stream.sendTrailers()` method can then be called to send trailing
headers to the peer.
When `options.waitForTrailers` is set, the `Http2Stream` will not automatically
close when the final `DATA` frame is transmitted. User code must call either`http2stream.sendTrailers()` or `http2stream.close()` to close the`Http2Stream`.
When `options.signal` is set with an `AbortSignal` and then `abort` on the
corresponding `AbortController` is called, the request will emit an `'error'`event with an `AbortError` error.
The `:method` and `:path` pseudo-headers are not specified within `headers`,
they respectively default to:
* `:method` \= `'GET'`
* `:path` \= `/`
headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders
options: ClientSessionRequestOptions