function fstat
Usage in Deno
```typescript import { fstat } from "node:node__fs.d.ts"; ```
fstat(fd: number,callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: Stats,) => void,): void
Invokes the callback with the `fs.Stats` for the file descriptor.
See the POSIX [`fstat(2)`]( documentation for more detail.
callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: Stats,) => void
fstat(fd: number,options: (StatOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined; }) | undefined,callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: Stats,) => void,): void
options: (StatOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined; }) | undefined
callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: Stats,) => void
fstat(fd: number,options: StatOptions & { bigint: true; },callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: BigIntStats,) => void,): void
options: StatOptions & { bigint: true; }
callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: BigIntStats,) => void
fstat(fd: number,options: StatOptions | undefined,callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: Stats | BigIntStats,) => void,): void
options: StatOptions | undefined
callback: (err: ErrnoException | null,stats: Stats | BigIntStats,) => void