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node__fs--promises.d.ts - Node documentation

Usage in Deno

```typescript import * as mod from "node:node__fs--promises.d.ts"; ```
The `fs/promises` API provides asynchronous file system methods that return promises. The promise APIs use the underlying Node.js threadpool to perform file system operations off the event loop thread. These operations are not synchronized or threadsafe. Care must be taken when performing multiple concurrent modifications on the same file or data corruption may occur.


Tests a user's permissions for the file or directory specified by `path`. The `mode` argument is an optional integer that specifies the accessibility checks to be performed. `mode` should be either the value `fs.constants.F_OK` or a mask consisting of the bitwise OR of any of `fs.constants.R_OK`, `fs.constants.W_OK`, and `fs.constants.X_OK` (e.g.`fs.constants.W_OK | fs.constants.R_OK`). Check `File access constants` for possible values of `mode`. If the accessibility check is successful, the promise is fulfilled with no value. If any of the accessibility checks fail, the promise is rejected with an [Error]( object. The following example checks if the file`/etc/passwd` can be read and written by the current process. ```js import { access, constants } from 'node:fs/promises'; try { await access('/etc/passwd', constants.R_OK | constants.W_OK); console.log('can access'); } catch { console.error('cannot access'); } ``` Using `fsPromises.access()` to check for the accessibility of a file before calling `` is not recommended. Doing so introduces a race condition, since other processes may change the file's state between the two calls. Instead, user code should open/read/write the file directly and handle the error raised if the file is not accessible.
Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it does not yet exist. `data` can be a string or a `Buffer`. If `options` is a string, then it specifies the `encoding`. The `mode` option only affects the newly created file. See `` for more details. The `path` may be specified as a `FileHandle` that has been opened for appending (using ``).
Changes the permissions of a file.
Changes the ownership of a file.
Asynchronously copies `src` to `dest`. By default, `dest` is overwritten if it already exists. No guarantees are made about the atomicity of the copy operation. If an error occurs after the destination file has been opened for writing, an attempt will be made to remove the destination. ```js import { copyFile, constants } from 'node:fs/promises'; try { await copyFile('source.txt', 'destination.txt'); console.log('source.txt was copied to destination.txt'); } catch { console.error('The file could not be copied'); } // By using COPYFILE_EXCL, the operation will fail if destination.txt exists. try { await copyFile('source.txt', 'destination.txt', constants.COPYFILE_EXCL); console.log('source.txt was copied to destination.txt'); } catch { console.error('The file could not be copied'); } ```
Asynchronously copies the entire directory structure from `src` to `dest`, including subdirectories and files. When copying a directory to another directory, globs are not supported and behavior is similar to `cp dir1/ dir2/`.
Retrieves the files matching the specified pattern.
Changes the ownership on a symbolic link.
Equivalent to `fsPromises.stat()` unless `path` refers to a symbolic link, in which case the link itself is stat-ed, not the file that it refers to. Refer to the POSIX [`lstat(2)`]( document for more detail.
Changes the access and modification times of a file in the same way as `fsPromises.utimes()`, with the difference that if the path refers to a symbolic link, then the link is not dereferenced: instead, the timestamps of the symbolic link itself are changed.
Asynchronously creates a directory. The optional `options` argument can be an integer specifying `mode` (permission and sticky bits), or an object with a `mode` property and a `recursive` property indicating whether parent directories should be created. Calling `fsPromises.mkdir()` when `path` is a directory that exists results in a rejection only when `recursive` is false. ```js import { mkdir } from 'node:fs/promises'; try { const projectFolder = new URL('./test/project/', import.meta.url); const createDir = await mkdir(projectFolder, { recursive: true }); console.log(`created ${createDir}`); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); } ```
Creates a unique temporary directory. A unique directory name is generated by appending six random characters to the end of the provided `prefix`. Due to platform inconsistencies, avoid trailing `X` characters in `prefix`. Some platforms, notably the BSDs, can return more than six random characters, and replace trailing `X` characters in `prefix` with random characters. The optional `options` argument can be a string specifying an encoding, or an object with an `encoding` property specifying the character encoding to use. ```js import { mkdtemp } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { join } from 'node:path'; import { tmpdir } from 'node:os'; try { await mkdtemp(join(tmpdir(), 'foo-')); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } ``` The `fsPromises.mkdtemp()` method will append the six randomly selected characters directly to the `prefix` string. For instance, given a directory `/tmp`, if the intention is to create a temporary directory _within_ `/tmp`, the `prefix` must end with a trailing platform-specific path separator (`import { sep } from 'node:path'`).
Opens a `FileHandle`. Refer to the POSIX [`open(2)`]( documentation for more detail. Some characters (`< > : " / \ | ? *`) are reserved under Windows as documented by [Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces]( Under NTFS, if the filename contains a colon, Node.js will open a file system stream, as described by [this MSDN page](
Asynchronously open a directory for iterative scanning. See the POSIX [`opendir(3)`]( documentation for more detail. Creates an `fs.Dir`, which contains all further functions for reading from and cleaning up the directory. The `encoding` option sets the encoding for the `path` while opening the directory and subsequent read operations. Example using async iteration: ```js import { opendir } from 'node:fs/promises'; try { const dir = await opendir('./'); for await (const dirent of dir) console.log(; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } ``` When using the async iterator, the `fs.Dir` object will be automatically closed after the iterator exits.
Reads the contents of a directory. The optional `options` argument can be a string specifying an encoding, or an object with an `encoding` property specifying the character encoding to use for the filenames. If the `encoding` is set to `'buffer'`, the filenames returned will be passed as `Buffer` objects. If `options.withFileTypes` is set to `true`, the returned array will contain `fs.Dirent` objects. ```js import { readdir } from 'node:fs/promises'; try { const files = await readdir(path); for (const file of files) console.log(file); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } ```
Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file. If no encoding is specified (using `options.encoding`), the data is returned as a `Buffer` object. Otherwise, the data will be a string. If `options` is a string, then it specifies the encoding. When the `path` is a directory, the behavior of `fsPromises.readFile()` is platform-specific. On macOS, Linux, and Windows, the promise will be rejected with an error. On FreeBSD, a representation of the directory's contents will be returned. An example of reading a `package.json` file located in the same directory of the running code: ```js import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; try { const filePath = new URL('./package.json', import.meta.url); const contents = await readFile(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); console.log(contents); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); } ``` It is possible to abort an ongoing `readFile` using an `AbortSignal`. If a request is aborted the promise returned is rejected with an `AbortError`: ```js import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; try { const controller = new AbortController(); const { signal } = controller; const promise = readFile(fileName, { signal }); // Abort the request before the promise settles. controller.abort(); await promise; } catch (err) { // When a request is aborted - err is an AbortError console.error(err); } ``` Aborting an ongoing request does not abort individual operating system requests but rather the internal buffering `fs.readFile` performs. Any specified `FileHandle` has to support reading.
Determines the actual location of `path` using the same semantics as the `fs.realpath.native()` function. Only paths that can be converted to UTF8 strings are supported. The optional `options` argument can be a string specifying an encoding, or an object with an `encoding` property specifying the character encoding to use for the path. If the `encoding` is set to `'buffer'`, the path returned will be passed as a `Buffer` object. On Linux, when Node.js is linked against musl libc, the procfs file system must be mounted on `/proc` in order for this function to work. Glibc does not have this restriction.
Renames `oldPath` to `newPath`.
Removes files and directories (modeled on the standard POSIX `rm` utility).
Removes the directory identified by `path`. Using `fsPromises.rmdir()` on a file (not a directory) results in the promise being rejected with an `ENOENT` error on Windows and an `ENOTDIR` error on POSIX. To get a behavior similar to the `rm -rf` Unix command, use `fsPromises.rm()` with options `{ recursive: true, force: true }`.
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Truncates (shortens or extends the length) of the content at `path` to `len` bytes.
Change the file system timestamps of the object referenced by `path`. The `atime` and `mtime` arguments follow these rules: * Values can be either numbers representing Unix epoch time, `Date`s, or a numeric string like `'123456789.0'`. * If the value can not be converted to a number, or is `NaN`, `Infinity`, or `-Infinity`, an `Error` will be thrown.
Returns an async iterator that watches for changes on `filename`, where `filename`is either a file or a directory. ```js import { watch } from 'node:fs/promises'; const ac = new AbortController(); const { signal } = ac; setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), 10000); (async () => { try { const watcher = watch(__filename, { signal }); for await (const event of watcher) console.log(event); } catch (err) { if ( === 'AbortError') return; throw err; } })(); ``` On most platforms, `'rename'` is emitted whenever a filename appears or disappears in the directory. All the `caveats` for `` also apply to ``.
Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists. `data` can be a string, a buffer, an [AsyncIterable](, or an [Iterable]( object. The `encoding` option is ignored if `data` is a buffer. If `options` is a string, then it specifies the encoding. The `mode` option only affects the newly created file. See `` for more details. Any specified `FileHandle` has to support writing. It is unsafe to use `fsPromises.writeFile()` multiple times on the same file without waiting for the promise to be settled. Similarly to `fsPromises.readFile` \- `fsPromises.writeFile` is a convenience method that performs multiple `write` calls internally to write the buffer passed to it. For performance sensitive code consider using `fs.createWriteStream()` or `filehandle.createWriteStream()`. It is possible to use an `AbortSignal` to cancel an `fsPromises.writeFile()`. Cancelation is "best effort", and some amount of data is likely still to be written. ```js import { writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; try { const controller = new AbortController(); const { signal } = controller; const data = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from('Hello Node.js')); const promise = writeFile('message.txt', data, { signal }); // Abort the request before the promise settles. controller.abort(); await promise; } catch (err) { // When a request is aborted - err is an AbortError console.error(err); } ``` Aborting an ongoing request does not abort individual operating system requests but rather the internal buffering `fs.writeFile` performs.
> [!WARNING] Deno compatibility > The lchmod implementation is a not implemented. Changes the permissions on a symbolic link. This method is only implemented on macOS.



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