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TracingChannel.prototype.subscribe - node__diagnostics_channel.d.ts - Node documentation
method TracingChannel.prototype.subscribe

Usage in Deno

```typescript import { TracingChannel } from "node:node__diagnostics_channel.d.ts"; ```
TracingChannel.prototype.subscribe(subscribers: TracingChannelSubscribers<ContextType>): void
Helper to subscribe a collection of functions to the corresponding channels. This is the same as calling `channel.subscribe(onMessage)` on each channel individually. ```js import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; const channels = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); channels.subscribe({ start(message) { // Handle start message }, end(message) { // Handle end message }, asyncStart(message) { // Handle asyncStart message }, asyncEnd(message) { // Handle asyncEnd message }, error(message) { // Handle error message }, }); ```


subscribers: TracingChannelSubscribers<ContextType>
Set of `TracingChannel Channels` subscribers

Return Type
